Monday, August 20, 2012

Roasted Corn Salad

Today we had Pioneer Woman's Roasted Corn Salad and we had high hopes for this.  You can find the recipe in her first cookbook.  Our high hopes were not fulfilled.  We scored this lower than anything we've ever had, only a 2.  We grilled everything just like the recipe said, the only change I made was to cut everything in half, and it was just not enjoyable.  We had to make ourselves force it down.  We couldn't even taste the corn, and the onions overpowered everything, as did the balsamic vinegar.  I'm not going to post the recipe, because I don't think anyone should make it.  Sorry PW, I love almost all of your recipes, this one just didn't cut it for me. :( 
For 1/6 of the total, the calories were 208.
Tomorrow we're having a pasta bake.


  1. Sorry, babe, this looks like cut up body parts. Thanks for letting us enjoy two little boys. Tell Owen we enjoyed playing Sorry with him last night and tell Noah next time he wants me to Find things with him, he has to clean up all the toys. Love mom

  2. This corn salad was a diappointment. It sure sounded good from the description, though. Who would have thought...
