Friday, July 20, 2012

Chocolate Glazed Baked Donuts

Donuts!  These donuts actually worked, and man were they great!  We found this recipe at, and they are Chocolate Glazed Baked Doughnuts.  Aaron said they are the best donuts he has ever eaten, including store bought ones.  He gave them a 10.  I also gave them a 10.  I altered the recipe a little, I left out the nutmeg and cinnamon in the donut recipe and added 1 t vanilla to it instead, and these baked up so well.  The calories were 513/donut, but I didn't use all the glaze the recipe called for, so I'm not exactly sure how many calories each donut were.  Regardless, the donuts are lots of calories, and worth every one.  I hope you can try them!  We're having some fish tacos and some chicken noodle soup tomorrow.

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